23 October 2007

4.5 - Shotgun

It would seem natural to use this episode of the "play" topic, to talk about how I'm getting ready to sit out on the patio by the fire watching the Yankees play in the world series, but I can't. There are issues.

First, outdoor fires have been banned here due to lack of rain. Second, the Yankees aren't in the world series. Third, it looks like the Yankees won't even exist after George gets through firing (and insulting) everyone.

So... I'm preparing to watch the world series from my couch, rooting for the Rockies (my second favorite team is whoever's playing Boston).

While I wait for the series to start, I have taken on a new extreme sport: riding shotgun with an inexperienced teenage driver.

There is nothing quite like the adrenaline rush when "No! Don't! Stop!" is heard as "No, don't stop." Or when "You are a little too close [to the edge of the road]" is interpreted as "You are a little too close [to the center of the road]."

I don't know how the feeling compares to an attempt to break the Cannonball Run record (NY to LA in 31:04!), but I'm thinking it might be close.

I probably should go ahead and order the replacement passenger side mirror now—I can't see it making it through too many more of these excursions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I come to this site to enjoy your quick wit and funny insight into your family dynamic. This one is a classic! Celeste