29 May 2007

0.2 - The Plan

The plan is to rotate through seven general topics—the topics that compose my life. Within each topic, I’ll cover one issue that has been consuming my thoughts. The topics to be covered (in an order that reads well) are:

1. God – All matters regarding the Supreme Being and man’s attempts to please/ignore/attack Him.

2. Country – Politics, mostly.

3. Work – My job—lots of material here.

4. Play – Leisure activities: books, movies, sports, poker, etc.

5. Home – You would think I could just sit down and enjoy it. My family lives here.

6. Away – Originally called "Life," this is pretty much the opposite of "Home."

7. The Future – The category that almost wasn’t. I think about it a lot.

I’m sure there will be a lot of overlap between the topics, and I certainly reserve the right to revisit an issue. I’m also quite sure that some issues will get more space than they deserve. You should also be aware that "covering an issue" in no way means that I’ll have any kind of nice resolution at the end. I suspect that most questions will go unanswered, and most concerns will continue to be concerns.

Either way, I’ll keep the storm inside—and remain calm.

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