24 September 2007

4.4 - Dinosaur Comics!

Eleven days since my last post. Woah. What have I been doing? Have I been finding a new job? Working on my house? Spending time with my family? Well, yes... but that's not the point.

My normal blogging time has been overrun with dinosaurs. Somehow I—completely by accident—ran across Dinosaur Comics. There's no link here. It's easy to find at qwantz dot com, but it's not for kids (occasional bad words and not-for-kids kinds of topics) so I don't want to make it too easy (not that I just made it too hard there, hmm, oh, well <sigh>).

It is refreshing to find a comic so intelligent that occasionally (it's rare, okay?) I'll find one that I don't completely understand because the math is too hard or it has exceeded my linguistic skills. Let me pull a quick first-panel quote from a couple (ok, three) at random so you see what I mean...
  • "Historically speaking, all I know are broad stereotypes! For instance, most people in the middle ages all wore dumpy clothes and spent all day hoeing."
  • "I finally figured out how to gain the upper hand on that stupid utahraptor. I will adopt for my own the philosophy of pragmatism"
  • "I had the most disturbing thought today...By being true to yourself, you are forever derivative!"
They also have great t-shirts which I may just have to buy. My favorite is reproduced above.

Humor for nerds. What could be better?